Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Four Horsemen of Laziness Rampaging Over the Beast

Just two short days ago I boldly claimed I'd be updating this blog three times a week. While I mentioned I would most certainly not keep to that rigorous schedule over time, I assumed it would be at least two weeks before my good intentions collapsed under the weight of my laziness. However, I am not to blame for the latest lack of posting. Last night, my trusty MacBook decided that it was tired of this world and elected to move on to a landfill in some remote area of Shelby County. In short (too late), the hard drive (and probably some other geeky parts of the computer) died, leaving me without a consistent way to connect to the faceless Internet community.

So, while I figure out what exactly I'm going to do to solve this problem, I would forecast posting here to be sporadic over the next week, which is unfortunate because I was looking forward to getting armpit deep in The Jersey Shore, or more commonly known as the greatest show of our time. Now, what this situation (an inadvertent reference the show) does let me know is that even when I attempt to be proactive and full of energy and initiative, the gods of laziness smite my attempts. Lesson learned.

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