Monday, June 06, 2011

Casnio Appalachia: Act Two

Click to avoid squinting

When the curtain fell on Act One of the summer's hottest country fair stage drama, West Virginia was investigating multiple reports of head coach-in-waiting Dana Holgorsen's behavior at two of the state's casinos. Both reports alleged that Holgorsen was asked to leave the casino, and an additional story said that Holgorsen has had between three and six alcohol-related incidents in the past six months, according to a sources in the know.

Now, as the curtain rises for Act Two...

(cue the banjo music; best if played while reading the rest of this)

The action has jumped up a notch or 50. Soon-to-be-head-coach-no-more Bill Stewart is allegedly a source behind the story of Holgorsen's alcohol incidents and has not signed the contract outlining his removal from being in charge of losing games he has no business losing. West Virginia is now conducting yet another investigation of its athletic employees, trying to determine the source(s) of the leaks.

Finally, a bit of drama from the Big East that doesn't involve Dave Wannstedt's Pitt team knocking themselves or someone else out of BCS contention. Even more surprising about all of this is that this hasn't already happened in the SEC. Dare I suggest the Big East is on the cutting edge of something? I, oh, nope. Nevermind. It was Phil Fulmer who displayed his knifing-in-the-back skills some 19 years ago when he helped end the Johnny Majors era at Tennessee.  It was a nice try, Big East, but you're way too late.  S-E-C!!!  S-E-C!!!  S-E-C!!!

But, what will the third and final act to Casino Appalachia bring?  Intrigue?  Further treachery?  Revenge?  An additional banjo score?  Or will Bill Stewart somehow turn this tidy three act drama into a nine-act drama that skips two acts, goes back four acts, and becomes a musical along the way simply because that's what happens when Bill Stewart touches things?  Find out next time on the exciting conclusion (or Acts Four, Seven, or Nine) of Casino Appalachia.

One more time, boys!

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